12:10:00 PMDah bagi resign letter tadi.
Perasaan lepas bagi tadi - bercampur baur. Happy and sad.
I am feeling happy because I am finally going home soon and at the same time I am feeling sad.
I cried a bit. But of course la not so obvious. Nangis diam-diam sudah.
Sedih kot because i am not just leaving the company, but i will leave my adorable friends in KL (awww..mesti terharu giler dorang baca..pang kanggg haha), dan KLCC yang cantik...ehhhh... :)
I have to go but that doesn't mean that I wont come back again someday,kan? :)
Ok la..dont want to type so long for this entry. Perut lapo la pulak! Lulz!
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